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13th eNewsletter of SI-Drive
Learn more on the relevance of social innovations - project information of SI-Drive

SI-Drive has issued the thirteenth edition of the eNewsletter. You will find the eNewsletter here. SI-Drive is a large-scale research project funded in the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme. ...

Danube Region Synergy Workshop: Research - Innovation - Knowledge Society
Das Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (ZSI) informiert über seine Projekte - Einladung

DANUBE REGION SYNERGY WORKSHOP:  RESEARCH – INNOVATION – KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY Fostering synergies of projects and initiatives in the Danube Macro-region Termin: 30. März 2017 Veranstaltungsort...

We joined the European Citizen Science Association
ZSI is now a member of the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)

The European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) is a non-profit association set up to encourage the growth of the Citizen Science movement in Europe. It draws on 200 individual and organizational members...

ZSI-Experte August Gächter auf Jubiläums-CD „Fünf Jahre – Best of Welt im Ohr“
Radiosendereihe "Welt im Ohr" feiert ihr 5-jähriges Bestehen. Auf der Jubiläums-CD ist auch August Gächter vertreten.

Die Radiosendereihe "Welt im Ohr" feiert ihr fünfjähriges Bestehen. In diesen fünf Jahren sind über 100 Sendungen entstanden. Zu diesem Anlass hat das Redaktionsteam von Welt im Ohr eine Jubiläums-CD ...

EaP PLUS grants for preparation of H2020 proposals
Grants support the participation of EaP researchers in brokerage events or preparatory meetings for H2020

One of the aims of the Eastern Partnership PLUS (EaP PLUS) project is to increase the interaction of EaP researchers with their EU counterparts and, consequently, to raise the number of jointly submitted...

Werden Sie CAPTOR Sensor Host!
Möchten Sie wissen wie stark die Luft in Ihrer Umgebung belastet ist? Machen Sie bei CAPTOR mit!

Im Rahmen des EU-Projekts CAPTOR testen wir Ozonmesssgeräte und messen die Ozonbelastung in verschieden Regionen in Italien, Spanien und Österreich. Diese Sommersaison (2017) testen wir in Ost...

With this report we give an overview of the patterns in EU-Japan collaborative research measured in patenting activity.

In the course of the JEUPISTE project, funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme (Grant Agreement Number: 609585) we analysed the cooperation between Japan and member states of the...

Interactive visualisation of Japan's participation in H2020
The visualisation shows cooperation is strong in nano and materials, but that most money flows in the climate area.

As part of our work in the JEUPISTE project, we have visualised H2020 participation of Japan-based participants. The web-based tool illustrates the EC contributions in Horizon 2020 projects with participation...

Made in Danube - International Kick-off Event
ZSI attends the Made in Danube kick off meeting and International Event in Stuttgart, next 21st and 22nd March

Involving 15 project partners and 3 associated strategic partners from 10 Danube Region countries, Made in Danube tries to generate significant changes throughout the entire Danube area in order to improve...

On the 15 February 2017, ZSI participated in the SENSES Opening Conference.

On the 15 February 2017, ZSI together with the other SENSES partners from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Croatia, Serbia and Moldova visited Budapest to participate in the SENSES Opening...

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