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Enorme Gefahr, dass Flüchtlinge aus dem System fallen
Die Integration verläuft nur schleppend, sagt der Soziologe August Gächter vom ZSI

Lesen Sie das gesamte Interview im hier.

Projekt CASI: Einladung zum finalen Informationsworkshop am 19. Mai in Wien
Common Framework for Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation / CASI

Das europäische Kooperationsprojekt CASI - Public Participation in Developing a Common Framework for Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation (FP7) neigt sich nach über drei Jahren Laufzeit...

EuroScientist journal on the Final Showcasing Event by INNO INDIGO POLICY
The April newsletter announced the upcoming conference in Ghent, Belgium and the online live streaming on 26/04/2017.

EuroScientist is a magazine for the science community, by the science community, with a European approach! INNO INDIGO POLICY projects and EurosScientist cooperate concering its cross media activities...

Framework budget should be doubled, think tank says
*Research informs about the recommendations of the Austrian FP9 Think Tank

The Austrian FP9 think tank, in which Klaus Schuch, Scientific Director of ZSI is member of, has called for a near doubling of the budget for the next EU research and innovation Framework programme, in...

Countdown activated! Final Showcasing Event by the INNO INDIGO POLICY projects
Participate in this conference via online streaming from all around the world: 26/04/2017

Final Showcasing Event 2017: BREAKING GROUNDS IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION THROUGH INDO-EUROPEAN PARTNERSHIPS  Date: 26/04/2017 Location: Culture and Convention Centre Het Pand in Ghent, Belgium...

Minister for Science Mr. Bajrami and Austrian Ambassador Dr.Pfandler sign the Protocol of co-financing

On 21st of April 2017, the Protocol of co-financing of the project "HERAS" was signed. The Kosovan Minister for Science Mr. Bajrami and Austrian Ambassador to Kosovo Dr. Pfandler agreed on the co-financing...

SIC Summer School from June 26th-30th at University of Bologna
The SIC Summer School explores the role of regions as possible ecosystems for social innovation.

The University of Bologna (Department of Architecture and Department of Economics) is pleased to announce the second edition of the Social Innovation Community Summer School (SUMSIC 2017), which will ...

ZSI leads project with high impact for public employment services across Europe
EmployID has been attested good progress and high impact potential

The project EmployID, co-ordinated by ZSI, has presented its 3rd year results to expert reviewers assigned by the European Commission. EmployID aims to design, implement and validate innovative solutions...

10. Apr 2017
March for Science
March for Science
22. April 2017, Vienna March for Science

Gemeinsam für die Wissenschaft Als Teil einer weltweiten Bewegung mit inzwischen mehr als 400 Demonstrationen lädt das unabhängige und überparteiliche Organisationsteam am Samstag, den 22. April 2017...

ZSI leads two new projects on research and innovation in the Danube Region
At the end of March “Excellence-in-ReSTI” and “ResInfra@DR” project partners met in Vienna to launch their activities

Excellence-in-ReSTI (Excellence in research, social and technological innovation project management) and ResInfra@DR (Facilitating macro-regional scope and link up to socio-economic actors of Research...

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