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How would the integration of an ethical review impact the evaluation of funding programmes?

A new report on the Eurostars funding programme shows that including an ethical review in the evaluation process improves the project quality and makes decision-makers more confident in putting money ...

Im Porträt: ZSI-Forscherin Elke Dall
Internationale Forschungskooperation: strategische Projekte, Programme und Kommunikation

Seit mehr als 15 Jahren beschäftigt sich Elke Dall mit internationaler Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik. Dabei lagen bisherige Schwerpunkte auf der Ausweitung des Europäischen Forschungsraumes in Südosteuropa...

A European platform will pave the way forward towards a closer collaboration in food safety.

Safe and nutritious food is key to sustaining life and promoting good health, yet the current EU food safety system falters when a need to quickly adapt to a continuously evolving food chain arises. The...

Workshop at the Citizen Science Association Conference

The workshop starts from the observation that while Citizen Science is highly participatory, evaluation does not live up to this claim. In the workshop we will explore existing approaches to participatory...

Gesammelte Pressemeldungen zur Studie
Überblick der Pressemeldungen und medialen Stellungnahmen zur Studie Lernen im Ausnahmezustand

Das Projekt “Lernen im Ausnahmezustand“ ist der Frage nachgegangen ob die Schulschließungen Bildungsungleichheiten in Österreich vertiefen und welche Chancen für selbstorganisiertes Lernen, neue Freiräume...

Participate in a survey on science diplomacy
Deadline prolongued to share your views with the S4D4C project

The S4D4C project is soon coming to an end and wishes to collect the science diplomacy community´s input on the concept and its future. We kindly ask you to spare 10 minutes of your time and to fill...

16 citizen science projects meet for policy feedback
ZSI prominently represented

On 21 January 2021, 16 Horizon 2020 citizen science projects met to facilitate interaction and exploit synergies, as well as to collect policy feedback. The meeting had been called by the Research Executive...

Die neue Rural Social Innovation Academy startet!
Der Onlinekurs rund um soziale Innovation ist kostenfrei und in 7 Sprachen auf verfügbar.

Die Rural Social Innovation Academy bietet in fünf Modulen praktische Tools, Expert_innen-Interviews und kurzweilige Videovorträge zu sozialer Innovation und sozialem Unternehmertum im ländlichen Raum...

Call Open: Africa-EU Collaborative R&I on Renewable Energy 2021
Deadline for pre-proposals: 1 April; Deadline for full proposals: 15 Sept

The Long term Europe-Africa Partnership on Renewable Energy (LEAP-RE) programme co-funded by the European Commission (EC) under Horizon 2020 aims to increase the use of renewable energy via a well-balanced...


Results from the first round of the online Delphi Of the more than 3,000 people from the so-called WB6 countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Serbia) who...

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