
Call for applications - Peer Reviewers for Gender Equality Plans

12. Dez 2017

PLOTINA is an ongoing CSA project that responded to the Horizon 2020 GERI-4-2014 call for proposals

The overall objective of PLOTINA is to enable the development, implementation and assessment of self-tailored #Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) with innovative and sustainable strategies for the Research Performing Organizations (RPOs) involved.  The progress made by the PLOTINA RPOs, in terms of governance of #gender equality policies, strategies and processes, gender equality in recruitment, career progression and pay, work and personal life integration, and gender/sex variable insertion in research activities and teaching throughout the duration of the project will assessed in two iterations.

In order to guarantee impartiality in the monitoring and assessment process of the progress made by RPOs, three peer reviewers will be selected from countries different from those represented in the PLOTINA Consortium, on the basis of their recognized role in setting up Gender Equality Plans in gender equality.

More details to the peer reviewers' responsibilities and the conditions of conducting the peer reviews are described in the ‘Terms of References’.

The deadline für submitting offers is 20 February 2018, 17hrs CET. The application shall be submitted in writing as a pdf-document via email to the contracting authority representative Maria Schwarz-Woelzl  Please include in the subject of the e-mail the following: 666008 PLOTINA peer reviewer application.


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Tags: evaluation, gender

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