
"Social Innovation Rocks"

Identification of three clusters of issues to select potential social innovation policy areas

Bereich: Management & projektübergreifende Tätigkeiten


The concept of social innovation and entry points to establish a Malaysian social innovation policy


Keynote in the opening plenary of "NICE 2014: National Innovation Conference and Exhibition", Kuala Lumpur (Putra World Trade Centre / PWTC)


The title 'Social Innovation Rocks' was created by the organisers of the Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI ) to indicate an expected change in innovation policies, including social dimensions of innovation and - in particular - social innovations in future oriented strategies.

AutorInnen: Hochgerner (external Senior Advisor), J.


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Tags: social innovation, Southeast Asia

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Kategorie: Vorträge

Publikations Datum: 2014

Bezug: Online (download)