Projekte Filter
AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Forschung
Programm: Horizon2020
Von/Bis: 02/2022 - 05/2025

Supporting the European Green Deal, understanding behavioural change, experimentation and social innovation

Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit
Typ: Forschung
Programm: ACR - Austrian Cooperative Research
Von/Bis: 09/2023 - 02/2026

Entwicklung einer innovativen modularen mobilen Versuchsanlage zur Modellierung der mikrobiologischen Effizienz von Luftreinigung unter Realbedingungen

African European Maker Innovation Ecosystem
Bereich: Technik & Wissen
Typ: Forschung
Programm: H2020
Von/Bis: 02/2022 - 01/2025

International Partnership between European and African Innovation Hubs

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Beratung
Von/Bis: 03/2023 - 08/2025

This contract is part of the 'Service Facility in support of the Global Approach in research and Innovation’ (GSF) Framework Contract

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Forschung
Von/Bis: 11/2022 - 10/2026

What you always wanted to know about science, research and innovation in Austria - here it comes!

Better understanding, intensified engagement, training and development in regional bio-based systems
Bereich: Technik & Wissen
Typ: Forschung
Programm: Horizon Europe
Von/Bis: 10/2022 - 09/2025

Better understanding, intensified engagement, training and development in regional bio-based systems

Bereich: Technik & Wissen
Typ: Forschung
Programm: Horizon Europe
Von/Bis: 10/2022 - 09/2025

BIOLOC will address challenges entailed by the transition to circular bioeconomy and elaborate solutions especially favouring socially disadvantaged and marginalised groups

Bereich: Technik & Wissen
Typ: Forschung
Programm: Horizon Europe
Von/Bis: 01/2024 - 12/2026

BOOST-IN adapts the concept of circular economy to the water cycle by exploring promising innovative solutions in co-creation processes.

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Forschung
Von/Bis: 05/2023 - 04/2027

Evidence-based support for transition to agroecological weed management in diverse farming systems and European regions

Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit
Typ: Forschung
Programm: Interreg Danube Region
Von/Bis: 01/2024 - 06/2026

Enhancing social economy ecosystems in the Danube region through policy work and supporting social enterprises.

Data Monetization, Interoperability, Trading & Exchange
Bereich: Technik & Wissen
Typ: Forschung
Programm: Horizon Europe
Von/Bis: 01/2023 - 12/2025

Empowering European companies by delivering a modular, open-source and multi-domain Framework to improve DATA Monetizing, Interoperability, Trading and Exchange.

Bereich: Technik & Wissen
Typ: Bildung
Programm: Horizon Europe
Von/Bis: 09/2022 - 08/2025

How to encourage open schooling approaches with STEAM focus?

deVEloping scientific Research with ethIcs and inTegritY
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Forschung
Von/Bis: 09/2022 - 08/2025

The VERITY protocol has open science and stakeholder participation at its core considering society's needs regarding science, research and innovation.

Empowering EU Rural Regions to scale-Up and adopt small-scale Bio-based solutions
Bereich: Technik & Wissen
Typ: Beratung
Programm: Horizon Europe
Von/Bis: 10/2022 - 09/2025

Stärkung lokaler Bioökonomie durch Zusammenarbeit: Nachhaltige Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft

Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities for a Clean Energy Transition
Bereich: Technik & Wissen
Typ: Forschung
Programm: Horizon 2020
Von/Bis: 05/2021 - 04/2024

EC² gathered empirical evidence on how the set-up of energy communities fosters or hinders energy citizenship.

Enhancing Competitiveness, Resilience & Sustainability of Remote Farming, Forestry and Rural Areas ...
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Forschung
Von/Bis: 09/2022 - 08/2025

A new EU project to diminish urban-rural digital inequalities via XG, last-mile connectivity and edge computing solutions.

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Netzwerk
Von/Bis: 01/2021 - 12/2027

Knowledge Sharing Platform on EU R&I Policy for Austria (and Europe)

Bereich: Technik & Wissen
Typ: Forschung
Von/Bis: 08/2022 - 07/2026

ECS aims to widen and strengthen the European Citizen Science community through capacity building and awareness raising activities.

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Beratung
Von/Bis: 12/2022 - 12/2024

Second iteration of the European R&I Knowledge Network on China

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Beratung
Von/Bis: 04/2023 - 02/2025

This contract is part of the 'Service Facility in support of the Global Approach in research and Innovation’ (GSF) Framework Contract

Einträge per Page: 10, 20, 50

Gesamt: 54

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