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SAVE THE DATE: 10 Juni 2013!

Dänemark hat eine tiefgreifende Reform des öffentlichen Forschungssektors hinter sich, die eine Stärkung der großen Universitäten zu Folge hatte. Warum und wie Dänemark das gemacht hat, darüber berichtet...

FTEVAL: Konferenz über Herausforderungen für die FTI-Politikevaluierung
„New Horizons / New Challenges: evaluation of STI policies, instruments and organisations”

Am 14. und 15. November 2013 findet in Wien eine große internationale Evaluierungskonferenz statt, die sich mit neuen Herausforderungen für zeitgemäße und wirkungsvolle FTI-Evaluierungen beschäftigt, ...

Public consultation process on “GREEN PAPER CE-AGEING STRATEGY”
Online consultation open till 31st of August 2013

With an aim to publish the “CE-Ageing Strategy” as a white paper by the end of 2013, an intensive public consultation process on the “GREEN PAPER CE-AGEING STRATEGY” has started on March 1, 2013 and will...

by the "Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society”

One of the core activities of the three-year project “Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society” (short: “CE-Ageing Platform”), co-funded by the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme, is the development...

Second Evaluation Training Course of EVAL-INNO Deadline: 20 March 2013

The EVAL-INNO project organises the second RTDI evaluation training course on 15-19 April 2013 in Budapest, Hungary. The training will gather participants from The Ukraine, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary...

Identifikation von erfolgreichen Ansätze zur Arbeitsmarktintegration von ältere Menschen

Das Projekt Age – Work – Balance: Ausgewogene Ansätze für eine alternde Erwerbsbevölkerung in Ballungsräumen untersuchte Maßnahmen, Programme und Projekte, die auf die Integration von älteren Menschen...

Final Conference of the EU-project AGE-WORK-BALANCE
On 20th February 2013 the final conference of AGE-WORK-BALANCE took place in Berlin in the premises of the gsub-Projektegesellschaft mbH.

We discussed with over 50 participants from 8 European Countries the significance of the relationship between the network structure (between different public and private actors on different levels...

Science Forum: Experten am Podium im NOVOMATIC FORUM in Wien

„Sozial innovative Konzepte zur Stadtentwicklung umfassen intelligente Netze, genauso wie energiesparende Gebäude und umweltfreundliche Mobilität. Entwurfsweisen des Social Design stellen ein wirksames...

We would like to draw your attention to the best project ideas that have been selected in the framework of BILAT-UKR*AINA "Best Project Idea Competition"

The competition (please see the link also below the text) was open for brilliant project ideas from Ukrainian research teams who aim to submit the proposal for the FP7 ICT Call closing in April. ...

Webinar on the Master of Arts in Social Innovation in March
Please note the date: 14th of March 2013

As we received many requests, the Danube University Krems prepared a compact webinar on the worldwide first Master of Arts in Social in Innovation. The master course is going to start  in April 2013...

ESSIe Winter School successfully implemented

Almost 40 scholars from Kosovo participated in the first of three ESSIe training weeks held at the University of Prishtina (UP). Almost half of the participants were from the UP, a few participants...

RTDI Evaluation Training Course Series

The EVAL-INNO project (Fostering Evaluation Competencies in Research, Technology and Innovation in the SEE Region) will organise the first RTDI evaluation training course on 18-22 March 2013 in Sofia, ...

Balanced approaches for an ageing workforce in metropolitan areas

Es ist uns ein großes Vergnügen Sie zu unserer Abschlusskonferenz für das Projekt “Age – Work – Balance: Balanced approaches for an ageing workforce in metropolitan areas” einzuladen. Die Konferenz...


The goal of the Joint Call is to create long-term research collaboration between EU Member States and/or Associated Countries and Africa. Research collaboration of a high standard between teams from EU...

5. Feb 2013
Smart Cities
Smart Cities
Städte mit hohem 'IQ' und vielen sozialen Innovationen

Josef Hochgerner, Wissenschaftlicher Leiter des ZSI In Zeiten wie diesen hat sowohl soziale Innovation wie auch alles, was ‚smart’ ist, Konjunktur: Ein Großteil der heute verwendeten...

STRAT.AT report 2012
TEPs as good practice

The Territorial Employment Pacts (Teps) have been implemented since 1997 in all nine Austrian Provinces: The Strategic Report Austria 2012 of the Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning - ÖROK cited...

EVAL-INNO: Successful two days workshop in Athens
Fostering evaluation competencies in research, technology & innovation in the SEE Region

SEE countries have limited record of innovation evaluation practices. The merits as well as the need for procuring evaluation emerged with the EU Structural Funds and IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession...

FORSEE – Regional Open Consultation event & newsletter #5
5th newsletter available now!

With the results of 8 National Open Consultations events available, the FORSEE project has conducted the Regional Open Consultation event in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in January 2013. The event has attracted...

GLOBAL excursion: Join the Open Online Lab!
A trip to Coto de Doñana: Get easily in touch with the exciting work of scientists!

In the course of February, the Global-excursion team is organizing two (2) live online sessions with scientists! 1) «Meet the scientist: Use of an electron microscope": The first session will take...

Kopublikationsanalyse zum 'Österreich-Donauraum'
EU-Strategien für den Donauraum

Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMWF)  führte das ZSI eine Analyse jener internationalen Kopublikationen durch, die von österreichischen WissenschafterInnen gemeinsam...

Projects for smarter cities!
Austrian prize SozialMarie awards successfully implemented social innovations

The aim of SozialMarie is to make innovative social ideas and their realisation known to a broad public. By means of annual awards and other activities, SozialMarie also encourages networking amongst...

WBC-INCO.NET schreibt eine Praktikumsstelle ab Februar / März für 6 Monate aus

Das ZSI schreibt im Rahmen des Projektes WBC-INCO.NET eine   Praktikumsstelle   ab Februar / März (so bald wie möglich) für 6 Monate aus.   Anforderungen: Interesse ...

Join other ICT experts in Ljubljana on Jan. 21, 2013!

Following the completion of the 8 national ICT Open Consulation events, the FORSEE project is now organising the Regional Open Consultation in Ljubljana on Jan. 21, 2013. Experts from all SEE partner...

New book:
Potentials for Business, Social Entrepreneurship, Welfare and Civil Society

This book, edited by Hans-Werner Franz, Josef Hochgerner and Jürgen Howaldt, is based on major contributions to the famous conference 'Challenge Social Innovation' of September 2011, which immediately...

Launch date of the study programme M.A. in Social Innovation: April 23rd, 2013

Josef Hochgerner, Scientific Director of ZSI We appreciate increasing interest - internationally and in Austria - in the initiative to create a European School of Social Innovation, and concerning...

VERA project publishes European Research Area Fabric Map
News about VERA: “Forward Visions on the European Research Area”

The European Commission FP7 funded project “Forward Visions on the European Research Area” (VERA) is tasked to provide relevant strategic intelligence for the future governance of the research, technological...

8th CE-Ageing Platform newsletter issued
Overview of the 2nd CE-Aging International Conference and more...

The eight edition of the eNewsletter of the Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society (“CE-Ageing Platform”) has recently been published providing a compact overview about the outcomes...

The CE-Ageing Platform project included in the CENTRAL EUROPE Wall Calendar 2013
Visualizing CE-Ageing!

The CENTRAL EUROPE Wall Calendar 2013 has been produced recently and distributed to high-level stakeholders on regional, national and European level. The calendar includes top 12 photos submitted...

The Project SEA-EU-NET at the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI)

Information on activities in research policy analysis for Southeast Asian countries, and on the cooperation between Europe and this region was recently published in the journal "ASEAS - Österreichische...

18. Dez 2012
Review on 2013
Looking back to an emerging future

by Josef Hochgerner, scientific director of ZSI By the end of a year reviews are more than common, actually rather imperative. However, it should not be neglected that developments which became visible...

ESF Innovation Award 2012
3 der Top-5 Projekte wurden im Rahmen der TEPs entwickelt!

Der ESF-Innovationsaward zeichnete dieses Jahr innovative ESF-Projekte aus, die sich speziell an Frauen und Mädchen wenden. Eine Jury kürte die Top-5; wobei es sich bei dreien um Projekte handelt, ...

ROLE at the Cloud Education Environments Workshop in Guatemala
Successful presentation of a scientific paper

ROLE project has been well visible at the Cloud Education Environments Workshop in Guatemala that took place in November 2012. On November 15, Sylvana Kroop (Centre for Social Innovation, ZSI Vienna...

The ViSH’s Big Christmas Opening
'Technology and Knowledge' launched a new project: Virtual Science Hub

Watch out for the big Christmas opening of the ViSH - Virtual Science Hub! The big public opening day was on the 10th of December 2012. The ViSH, which is accessible via, is a place...

Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) joined the ICT KOSEU project consortium as a project partner.

ZSI joined the ICT KOSEU project consortium as a project partner. The ICT KOSEU project is funded under the ICT Thematic Programme of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme and aims to support...

Report of the Expert Group published!

The report on "International Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation: Strategies for a Changing World" of the Expert Group established to support the further development of an EU international...

Welcome to the joint newsletter of LEAP, CASCADE, CONURBANT, Covenant capaCITY and ERENET – five European projects all part of the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) programme.

These five projects focus on the key role of local authorities in meeting the European Union’s challenging energy and climate targets for 2020 through the delivery of effective local energy leadership...

Covenant CapaCITY - Training platform for local governments launched today!
A free online Training Platform for local political representatives and municipal staff has been launched today.

The aim is to provide local governments with short and easy-to-understand training modules focusing on eight key issues relevant to local energy action planning. The Platform was developed by experts (...

A reasonable twist?

  Josef Hochgerner, Scientific director of ZSI In the winter term of 2012 a  promising new academic course started in Vienna: The  Master programme 'Social Design_Arts as Urban Innovation...

Excursion: Human centered design
...for 'The new World of Work'

Forum Alpbach organized a working group titled "The new World of Work" (original title in German: DNA – Das Neue Arbeiten). Global companies, often technology driven, invest in enhancing the productivity...

Citizen Science or how you and me can discover new galaxies!
Project SOCIETIC was recently launched

Citizen science has emerged recently as a new concept to involve the general public in scientific processes. One of the best ways to help people understand science is to involve  in scientific...

"Demographic Change und Local Development": Studienreisen des OECD-Teams durch betroffene Regionen

Das OECD Programm für Lokale Entwicklung und Beschäftigung (LEED) führt zur Zeit eine Reihe von Studien zum Thema 'Demographic Change and Local Development' durch. Die ersten Ergebnisse wurden unter...

"Solidarity between generations in work life: reality and chances"

On this year’s annual stakeholder conference of the Territorial Employment Pacts (TEP) the participants discussed “Solidarity between generations in work life: reality and chances”: Katrin Gasior...

FORSEE bringt internationale IKT-Interessensvertreter zusammen
Südosteuropa im Fokus: Konsultation in Wien & Konferenz in Ljubljana

Der gesellschaftliche Wandel und Technologieentwicklungen stellen gleichermaßen Herausforderungen und Chancen für den öffentlichen Bereich und Unternehmen in Europa dar. Das Projekt FORSEE hat das ...

Review: NanOpinion second consortium meeting in London
After the first half project year NanOpinions huge consortium met for the second time.

After the first half of the year NanOpinion's huge consortium met for the second time. Partners presented from 4th to 7th of November 2012 their first results on their base line studies concluded which...

ZSI co-publication study presented to Members of the European Parliament

Romania’s Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Silvia-Adriana Ţicău who chairs the ‘MEP Danube Forum’ in the European Parliament, a platform for stakeholders aiming at improving cohesion in the...

8. Nov 2012
Der vierte Newsletter
Erfahren Sie mehr über die aktuellen Entwicklungen und was ein renommierter europäischer Foresight-Experte in einem Interview zu sagen hat!

Der vierte FORSEE Newsletter ist da! Das Projekt informiert über aktuelle Entwicklungen und anstehende Veranstaltungen. Diese vierte Ausgabe präsentiert ein Interview mit dem angesehenen Foresight-Experten...

S&T Policy Mix Peer Review Report to Kazakhstan presented to Mr Nursultan Nazarbayev during his official visit to Austria

During the official visit of the President of Kazakhstan, Mr. Nursultan Nazarbayev, to Austria, the S&T Policy Mix Peer Review Report to Kazakhstan, which was carried out by an international ...

MoU between ZSI and National Agency for Technological Development Kazakhstan
Memorandum of Understanding was signed on 22 October 2012

In order to promote, develop, and strengthen mutual relationship between ZSI and NATD in the areas of exchange in STI evaluation expertise and in the field of RTDI policy development, the EU 7th Framework...

Regular e-newsletter of the CE-Ageing Platform (7th edition) on-line
CE-Ageing Platform

The seventh edition of the e-newsletter of the Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society (“CE-Ageing Platform”) has recently been published on the project website and provides detailed...

M.A. in Social Innovation
Danube University Krems (DUK) and ZSI cooperate in a groundbreaking study programme

The EU Representation of the European Parliament (EP) and of the European Commission (EC) in Austria hosted an event on "Social Innovation - Prospects in Europe" (Oct. 15, 2012), including the public ...

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